Manufacturing Execution System (MES) allows the enterprises to further streamline production management despite an existing functional Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and means of automation used. COMES offers solutions that enable you to enhance production management

Manufacturing Execution System (MES) allows the enterprises to further streamline production management despite an existing functional Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and means of automation deployed. MES/MOM system COMES offers solution that enables you to enhance production management, its quality and documentation. It also offers a system integration of companywide information systems and automation systems of production technologies aiming at a flexible and documented enterprise management as a whole. A complex implementation of the Manufacturing Execution System comprises of the following services offered by the COMES engineers:

MES/MOM system COMES (Manufacturing Execution/Optimization Systems), middleware, BDE/MDE
COMES system is a Manufacturing Execution System, which offers solutions for Digitally controlled Production along with a full vertical integration of the basic automation with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.

ERP integration
COMPAS are able to implement communication with various ERP systems of their clients, e.g. SAP, MS DYN, Helios, QI, Karat, OR SYSTEM, Dimenze etc. COMES system can communicate with any ERP system installed at the customer on the basis of agreed communication method.